Retirement income specialists
Local expertise with international backing
Just is a specialist in providing insurance that guarantees income in retirement. Our team members have a track record of product innovation in the local life annuity market, and together with the expertise and intellectual property we leverage from our parent company Just Group plc, we are able to provide a fair price and financial security for your retirement income.
Just’s life annuities are offered as enhanced annuities, which give you a fair, individual starting income without requiring a medical examination. Supported by international research and an in-house team of medical specialists, we use a process called underwriting (a few health and lifestyle questions) to determine if you qualify for a higher starting income based on your personal circumstances.
The Group’s heritage actually includes one of the first companies to revolutionise the UK annuity market by paying a higher (enhanced) income to retirees whose lifestyle or medical conditions might reduce their life expectancy.