Structured Endowment
Just Structured Endowment is a linked endowment insurance policy that provides a return of capital plus a fixed net-of-tax return after five years, based on the performance of the underlying assets.
The Just Structured Endowment is suitable if:
- You are looking for a tax-efficient way to save
- You are looking for a fixed return as part of your overall asset allocation strategy and are comfortable that the partial withdrawal provides sufficient access to your investment over the next five years
- You are managing assets as part of your estate. Your investment will be paid directly to your beneficiaries, instead of waiting for your estate to be wound up.
Just offers a unique option of a specified partial withdrawal after either two or three years. The remaining maturity value is then payable at the end of the fifth year.
The effective return, net of tax and all fees and charges, will be quoted in advance and is expected to be significantly greater than fixed deposit rates.
For more information please refer to our Just Structured Endowment Information Sheet.

Do you need more information?
Consider seeking advice from a qualified financial adviser. Contact us to request the details of an adviser in your area, or to find out more about our offering.